as i watch people put up christmas decorations (i can't dis thanksgiving this way... decorating for christmas for me is the weekend following thanksgiving!!) i can't help but feel rushed...
so in n effort to stal further, i think a halloween (better late than never) post is in order!
yeah... this was our "pumpkin patch" again this year... the local grocery store.
i really don't think the kids mind. they are just as enthusiastic as they ever were at the real patch...
ya almost can't tell we aren't at the real thing here! :)
carving is the best part! this year, no taping paper and making 1000 punches. we picked faces from pinterest pictures that we freehanded on the pumpkins with a sharpie, and carved. i can't say i object! they turned out great!
grandma Sue was jumping in to help the "woolies" clean out he pumpkins!
not bad huh?? yeah. i did the "poking" pumpkin... though i guess he only got to 'puke' leaves, cuz i never got the goo out for him! :)
this being Gavin's 6th grade year, it is doubtful he will trick or treat again... maybe. we'll see. he says next year he will stay at the fire that is now our tradition in the driveway while handing out candy. (daddy stays home, i go with the kids...)
the "gang" in eldridge. I cannot believe we trick or treated 3 times this year!
it is really, really sad to see things like this end! Gavin's last halloween parade at school! (before these, there was "dress as a book character day", so either way he got to dress up at school!)
Gabe as batmad there... encouraging the lil kids!
I hadn't seen this "game". the kids LOVED it!
we lucked out, the weather!
Aston was truly stressed by it all. not.
so how about you? when do you decorate for christmas??
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